Students have witnessed positive growth using The Edge.
Average engagement score of The Edge by students.
Average score for content relevance and importance.
What is The Edge?
The Edge is a dynamic skills platform designed for students aged 13-19. It’s the one solution you need to support your SEL, career-readiness and whole-child education needs.
Internationally used, diverse skills framework & pedagogy.
Customizable: Can adapt to your school’s needs.
Engaging, evidence-based content and assessments.
SEL+ with entrepreneurship and internship tracks.
I think the Edge is the most comprehensive and beneficial tool I have seen in 30 years of experience that covers social and emotional learning.
Haroot Hakopian
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs - Georgetown SCS
The Edge is...
...this empowers students to be
Framework: The Life Readiness Playbook
The most comprehensive skills framework with 5 pillars, 24 skills and 115 modules.
Skills that aren’t just SEL: Financial literacy, personal branding, online safety, research and more.
It’s fully customizable. Our curriculum designers will help tailor modules to fit your school's skill needs.
Aligns to 10+ international frameworks, preparing students to thrive in this diverse, globalized world.